School Food Service Training

School Food Service Solutions offers a variety of school food service staff training. We offer directors level, manager level, and food service staff level training. Our training modes include classroom style training, one-on-one training, on-site training, and virtual training. Training modules include:

Bringing Joy to the Job (1.5 CEU) - This is a fun, interactive presentation that focuses on finding meaning in the work you do. Understanding the driving force behind what you do is the key to day-to-day joy on the job.  Remembering the WHY in our lives, in our job and using it to find meaning in the work you do.

Working Smarter Not Harder (1 CEU) - This presentation provides creative strategies to maximize skills, knowledge and training in areas of menu planning, ordering, storage, equipment, production, and cleaning.

Menu Planning 101 (1 CEU) - This presentation is designed for menu planning in school nutrition programs and focuses on creating a cost effective, healthy, exciting menu that kids love!  Some topics in presentation are maximizing USDA commodity foods, creating a cycle menu, advantages of cooperative buying, obtaining, and promoting local foods

Food Allergies for School Nutrition Managers and Staff (1 CEU) - This presentation is all about food allergies, reading labels for allergens, avoiding cross-contact and accommodating children with food allergies.

2024 Annual Civil Rights Training, National School Lunch Program (1 CEU) - This presentation is the PDE approved Annual Civil Rights Training.

Flow of Food: From Gate to Plate (1 CEU)- This presentation looks at how your program can manage food costs by analyzing keys factors related to food cost such as purchasing, storage, portion control, receiving, inventory, and menu planning.

Team Building (1 CEU) - This presentation focuses on giving Directors, Managers, and Staff proven solutions to build effective teams

Making it Count (1.5 CEU) - This presentation reviews the guidance related to serving reimbursable meals the National School Lunch program including breakfast, lunch, and afterschool snacks.  Meal components and offer vs. serve are covered as well.

Basic Food Safety (1 CEU) - Understanding Your Role & The Importance of Food Safety

Effective Management (1 CEU) - Training gives managers and team leaders the confidence and knowledge to use effective management techniques to get work done through a highly skilled and trained staff.

Create Your Own Training - Create your own training tailored to your specific staff training needs. We will work with you to create an individualized training module that will be highly effective for your team.
